From Desert to Daybreak – Exploring Lent and the coming of Easter

Monday, 11th March 2024: 10am - 4pm

As we approach Holy Week we take time to look back over our Lenten experiences and prepare for the coming of Easter using scripture, guided meditations, images and music. This quiet day will include regular input and prayer time together with space to reflect.

Programme for the Day

10.00am                   Session 1: 

10.45am                     Time for individual reflection

11.45am                   Session 2: 

12.15pm                     Time for individual reflection

1.00pm                        Lunch

2.00pm                     Session 3: 

2.30pm                       Time for individual reflection

3.30pm                     Closing Reflections

Retreat Leader: Alison MacTier is Executive Director of the Retreat Association, a spiritual director and leader of regular quiet days and retreats. She also enjoys walking, photography and the arts.

£40 to include lunch and refreshments

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