Revd Dr Phillip Brown

Associate Teaching Staff
Phillip Brown
Patristics & Christian Doctrine

Revd Dr Phillip Brown

Phill teaches Patristics and Christian doctrine at Hereford and Gloucester. He delivers the Topics in Christian Doctrine module at Ludlow and Creeds Councils & Controversies at both Ludlow and Gloucester.  His research is primarily focuses upon the theology of St Augustine of Hippo, with a particular focus upon his theology of friendship. He serves as the Rector of The Burghill Benefice in Hereford.

Prior to Ordination, he worked as a Plumber and Refrigerant Engineer. He trained for Ordination at CGH (Then known as WEMTC) and has four children and is married to Sharron.


(2021a) ‘Figurabat Ecclesiam: Figuration, Friendship and the Unity of the Church in Augustine’s Sixth Tractate on John’ [Baker-Brian & Lössl eds], Studia Patristica 102, Leuven.

(2021b) ‘Augustine’s Appropriation of Cyprian’s Unitive Tropes from De Ecclesiae Catholicae Unitate within his In Iohannis Euangelium Tractatus 1-16’, paper presented at XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford in Studia Patristica, Leuven.

(2022) Friendship as Ecclesial Binding: A Reading St. Augustine’s Theology of Friendship In his Tractatus In Iohannis Evangelium , Studia Traditionis Theologiae series, Brepols, Turnhout.