In partnership with the dioceses of Gloucester and Hereford, this is a one year course delivered by Cuddesdon Gloucester and Hereford (CGH) in our Gloucester and Ludlow centres.
Designed for lay leaders wanting a more solid footing for Christian ministry today, it is suited for:
- messy Church or Open the Book leaders or helpers
- worship leaders
- members of local pastoral care teams
- keen Christians wanting to help others come to faith in Christ
- faithful Christians wanting to deepen their understanding of our Christian heritage
CGH brings a wide variety of people together into a single learning community. People come from all walks of life, representing a broad spectrum of age, education, spiritual tradition and ministry experience, enabling rich conversations about our common Christian faith.
What topics will be taught?
The course will be run during term-time i.e. one night a week for 30 weeks, with a half-term break coinciding with schools’ half-term.
- Introduction to Prayer, Theology and Doctrine (5 weeks)
- Introduction to Mission, Ministry and Evangelism (5 weeks)
- Introduction to the Bible (10 weeks)
- Introduction to Creating and Leading Worship (5 weeks)
- Introduction to People / Pastoral Skills (5 weeks)
Where will I be studying?
CGH has two teaching centres: at the Ludlow Mascall Centre on Wednesday evening, and at Discover DeCrypt in Gloucester on Thursday evening. You can choose whichever centre is closest to you.
Will I get a certificate or qualification?
At the end of your study you will get a CGH certificate, listing the topics which you have studied.
You will also have the opportunity to register and complete the one year, fully-assessed 60 credit Foundation Award in Theology, Ministry and Mission validated by Durham University.
If you are also exploring a vocation to licensed ministry this can then convert into a DU Certificate or Diploma – the national Church of England ministry qualification.
What will this cost me?
Anyone who is discerned by their vicar and PCC to enhance their local lay ministry will have their course fees paid for by the Diocese.
If you are not involved in ministry in your church, but are wanting to simply know more about the Bible and our Christian heritage, you are welcome to apply to CGH to enrol in a module or two, at your own expense (this is at the discretion of CGH and is subject to our enrolment process).
Who will be teaching us?
CGH has two full-time teaching staff, Revd Dr Sarah Brush based in Gloucester and Revd Alison Walker in Ludlow, who teach across both centres. They are joined by local associate teachers from within the Dioceses, and also have the ability to call upon teaching colleagues from the other Cuddesdon pathways, thanks to Zoom.
What do I need to do now?
If this new programme interests you, get in touch with your Diocesan ministry staff:
Gloucester: Pauline Godfrey [email protected]
Hereford: Elizabeth Wild [email protected]
They will be glad to talk to you about whether this is the right study programme for you, and how it might deepen and enhance your lay ministry in your local parish.
They will also be able to discuss with you what you may need to do next, if you feel a vocational call to licensed ministry – lay or ordained – in the Church of England.
If you decide this is a good next step for you to take, enrolments with CGH will need to be completed by the second week in September. For all enquiries please contact the Course Administrator Nigel Hughes on 01452 874969 or at [email protected]