Revd Margot Hodson
Margot is an environmental theologian and a rural vicar with experience in ministry, teaching, research, and writing.
Her pastoral ministry is currently in the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, West Oxfordshire. Prior to this she was Rector of Wychert Vale Benefice in Buckinghamshire UK, where she specialised in growing teams for mission and ministry, and community engagement. Margot is an experienced Training Incumbent and has supervised several curates and many ordinands on placement.
Margot is Director of Theology and Education for the John Ray Initiative, helping to develop education and research programmes including the Cuddesdon-based distance learning course, for Christian Rural and Environmental Studies (CRES). Margot is a member of Grove Ethics Committee and is on the steering group of the Theological Colleges Environmental Network (TCEN).
Margot became passionate about the environment and a committed Christian in her teens. Both these strands have interwoven in her professional and personal life. She is married to Martin J Hodson, who is an environmental biologist. They have published a number of books together including A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues (Abingdon: BRF, 2021)