Staff and students have completed the annual Cuddesdon pilgrimage along The Ridgeway. Frances Caroe wrote "On Wednesday, we stumbled off the downs at dusk, the light fading around us but never dimming in the village before us. Pilgrimage has many ends; when we walk the Ridgeway, it's a matter of keeping on going. In between resting place and resting place we just walk, and we rely on nothing but food, fellowship, and our own two feet. Which is not to say that the downs -- their landscape and their inhabitants, both alive and long dead -- are not beautiful. Our pilgrimage, however, is less a journey to any particular place. Rather, it is a passing from place to place, briefly detached from all but the most important things of the world. This we understand most clearly when we finally stumble off the downs at dusk, towards the promise of a warm bath, a good meal in good company, and blessed rest, before we journey on again tomorrow."
Cuddesdon Pilgrimage
17th April 2024