The theme for this series is Early Egyptian Christianity, covering the following four key figures:
- Saturday 7 Sept Clement of Alexandria - Scripture, Knowledge & Apologetics
- Saturday 12 Oct Origen - The Pursuit of the Beautiful Word
- Saturday 9 Nov St Athanasius - The Achievements of the Incarnation
- Saturday 30 Nov St Cyril of Alexandria - The Unity of Christ
For each day, we’ll use the life and work of each figure to explore some themes which were of crucial importance to them and the Church at the time, and which are especially timely for the Church today. No previous knowledge is required.
Clement of Alexandria - Scripture, Knowledge & Apologetics
Clement of Alexandria (c.150 - 214 AD) addressed three distinct audiences of his day - unorthodox Christian sects (the “Gnostics”), simplistic Christian believers, and educated non-Christians. His perspective will form a lens through which we will reflect on the key topics of Scripture, Knowledge and Apologetics.
For more information and booking:
Cost: £40 (£25 for the unwaged and free admission for members of Religious Communities)