18-years ago, my 10-year-old daughter said, “I thought a lot about you at school today. In assembly, Revd Dr Stephens said, ‘God has a sense of humour!’ in his talk about his journey to ministry! Mum, every time you make plans, God is laughing! You don’t know God’s plan for you!”
My journey has been one of grace; blessed and peppered with many life-changing and shaping challenges. I trained as a mechanical engineer and worked in the automotive industry. This path led to management consultancy, culture change management, leadership development, entrepreneurship, and then to mental health chaplaincy!
Now, I am a new ordinand from Coventry diocese. Going through the discernment process felt as though I was turned inside out! The reactions received regarding being recommended for training varied from ‘total silence’ to ‘jubilation’! Comments included, “God broke the selection mould!”
In many ways, Cuddesdon reminds me of Fiwasaiye Girls’ Grammar School, Akure, Nigeria, that I attended from the age of 10 years old. The founding principal of the Christian Community was Rosa Jane Pelly and the ethos is “respecting and serving others, living under strict discipline, seeking high standards of study and behaviour, learning about life and what they might achieve” (Sheila H. Davis - CMS 2020).
51 years on, I am experiencing warmth, a great sense of belonging as a member of the Cuddesdon family on the formative training, learning and development of the Accelerated Part-Time Pathway. I am open to where God leads me having learned to trust Him. God does the unexpected in unexpected ways. I say, TODAH!